Internal Control

 Strategy Development Department’s Booklet on Internal Control

 Click here to read.

School’s Internal Control Assurance Statement

  Year 2020 - Click here to read.

 Year 2021 - Click here to read.

 Public Service Standards Chart

 Click here to assess.

 Internal Control Standards Action Plan

 Click here to assess.

 Responsibility Descriptors

Click here to read Graduate School’s Responsibility Descriptions

Click here to read Staff Responsibility Descriptions

 Workflow Charts

  Click here to assess Editorial Office

 Click here to assess Student Affairs.

 Click here to assess Financial Affairs.

Activities Report

  Year 2020 - Click here to read.

  Year 2021 - Click here to read.

  Year 2022 - Click here to read.

 Self-evaluation Reports

  Year 2020 - Click here to read.

  Year 2021 - Click here to read.

  Year 2022 - Click here to read.

 University’s Institutional Internal Evaluation Report

  Year 2021 - Click here to read.

  Year 2022 - Click here to read.


 Click here to read.