School of Graduate Studies was set up with the Presidential Decree No. 2654 published in the Official Gazette dated 16.06.2020 and numbered 31157 upon the closure of the Graduate School of Educational Sciences, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Graduate School of Health Sciences and Graduate School of Social Sciences of our University. Founded on June 16, 2020, the School of Graduate Studies is the unit of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University that provides education at the graduate level. The School of Graduate Studies, which supports the training of scientists and experts needed by our country in the fields of Social, Science, Education and Health Sciences, increases its capacity in terms of quality and quantity every day with its newly opened programs.
Graduate School of Educational Sciences, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Graduate School of Health Sciences and Graduate School of Social Sciences of our University were combined under the name of School of Graduate Studies with the Presidential Decree No. 2654 published in the Official Gazette dated 16.06.2020.
Please click to access the Official Gazette dated 16.06.2020 and numbered 31157.
To ensure the coordination of graduate programs as an institution that is valued both nationally and internationally and contributes to the scientific and technological development of the country which is focused on innovation while adhering to scientific and ethical values. To contribute to the personal development of researchers who have the ability to solve problems and the potential to conduct research at national and international levels by supporting new and interdisciplinary programs in line with current developments.
To increase the global competitiveness of the knowledge produced by our country in every field by training academicians and professionals who can meet the needs of academia and business world on a global scale with the help of scientific knowledge and analytical thinking.
Aims and Targets
The School of Graduate Studies aims to contribute to the graduate education process of our country with quality service and a transparent management approach. In the School of Graduate Studies, education is provided in 101 departments offering 238 programs which include 61 PhD, 1 Doctor of Arts, 126 Master's Degree, 38 Non-thesis Master's Degree, 12 Non-thesis Master’s Degree (Distance Education). It is aimed to increase the number of graduate programs within the School of Graduate Studies and to open new programs, offering especially English medium of instruction. In addition, it is aimed to contribute to the training of qualified scientific experts required by the public and private sectors with non-thesis or distance education programs that meet the needs of the public and private sectors.
- To improve the quality of education of graduate programs in line with the principles set by the Council of Higher Education,
- To increase the number of graduate programs in line with the principles of the Council of Higher Education,
- To increase the number of students by ensuring the recognition of all graduate programs,
- To increase the number of international students in graduate programs,
- To create an impact towards the graduate education with interdisciplinary graduate programs,
- To contribute to the sector with graduate programs that meet the needs of the business world that contribute to the academic development of individuals working in different sectors through distance education opportunities,
- To develop scientific and educational cooperation with other universities, research centers and industrial organizations,
- To provide faculty members and students with more modern and efficient conditions,
- To ensure that the Student Information System, which enables faculty members and students to follow their education and training activities online, is more effective.
Organizational Chart
Physical Facilities
The School of Graduate Studies is located in the Vocational School of Health Services on the Terzioglu Campus.
School of Graduate School Settlement Plan
Ground Floor Archive Thesis Submission Unit |
First Floor Unit of Natural and Applied Sciences and Health Sciences |
Second Floor Unit of Social Sciences and Educational Sciences |
Third Floor Classrooms and Archive |
2 Offices |
10 Offices (119,68 m² ) |
10 Offices (119.68 m²) |
5 Classrooms (193 m²) |
Conference Hall and Meeting Room (Communal Area) |
1 Archive 1 Storehouse |
1 Archive 1 Stationary 1 Kitchen 2 WC |
1 Archive 1 Stationary 1 Kitchen 2 WC |
2 Archives (Unit of Natural and Applied Sciences) (45 m² ) 2 Archives (Unit of Social Sciences) (76 m²) 2 WC
Bilateral Cooperations and Protocols
The institutions that have a protocol with the Directorate of COMU School of Graduate Studies are listed in the table below. Please click to download.
Çanakkale Chamber of Certified Public Accountants and Financial Advisors Turkish Education and Science Union Çanakkale Branch Educators Union (Eğitim-Bir-Sen) Çanakkale Branch Defence Security and Support Services Union (SAVDES-SEN) Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education Çanakkale Provincial Directorate of National Education Ankara Chamber of Certified Public Accountants DOC Academy Didem Kesal Yıldırım Company Kaleseramik Çanakkale Kalebodur Ceramic Industry Inc. Doğtaş Kelebek Mobilya A.Ş. |
Institutional Logo
Number of Students
2021-2022 Eğitim Öğretim Yılı Güz Yarıyılı itibarıyla Enstitümüzün lisansüstü öğrenci sayıları aşağıda belirtilmiştir.
The number of graduate students of our Graduate School as of the Fall Semester of 2022-2023 Academic Year is given below.
COMU School of Graduate Studies Number of Students |
Academic Year / Semester |
Fall Semester of 2022-2023 Academic Year |
PhD |
764 |
Master’s Degree |
3614 |
Non-thesis Master’s Degree |
152 |
Non-thesis Master’s Degree (Distance Education) |
1271 |
5801 |
Last update |
19.10.2022 |
Orientation for the Students
You can find the relevant information (Turkish) below:
- Student Orientation Meeting Dated: 21.10.2021
- Student Orientation Meeting Dated: 18.10.2022
Orientation for the Personnel
You can find the relevant information (Turkish) below:
- Personnel Orientation Meeting Dated 09.09.2022
- Personnel Orientation Meeting Dated 15.08.2022
- Personnel Orientation Meeting Dated 07.04.2022
You can find the relevant information (Turkish) below: