Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, School of Graduate Education 2020-2021 Academic Year (1st Term) Graduation Ceremony was held.
The Ceremony was held on 11.10.2021 at ÇOMÜ Faculty of Theology İÇDAŞ Kara Yusuf Congress Center by extensive precautions for Covid-19 utbreak measures. The graduation ceremony was attended by ÇOMÜ Rector Prof. Dr. Sedat MURAT, Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Süha ÖZDEN, Prof. Dr. Bünyamin BACAK and Prof. Dr. Suat UĞUR, Director of ÇOMÜ School of Graduate Education Prof. Dr. Pelin KANTEN, Deputy Directors of School of Graduate Education, Heads of Departments/Arts and families of the graduate students attended.
The ceremony started with the speech of Samet MEMİŞ, PhD graduate of the School of Graduate Education of the 2020-2021 Academic Year, Department of Mathematics PhD program. Ceremony continued with the speeches of School of Graduate Education Director Prof. Dr. Pelin KANTEN and ÇOMÜ Rector Prof. Dr. Sedat MURAT.
Honorary certificates and gifts were presented to the students who ranked in the graduate programs of the School of Graduate Education. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, School of Graduate Education 2020-2021 Academic Year (1st Term) Graduation Ceremony ended with the throwing graduation caps.